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Level Id | Maker | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
576198 | 3 0 |
11 | Easy17% | Very Short3 |
576190 | 3 2 |
20 | Very Easy8% | Very Short2 |
576182 | 7 0 |
23 | Very Easy1% | Very Short2 |
576161 | 7 3 |
17 | Very Easy0% | Very Short2 |
576153 | 3 1 |
11 | Very Easy4% | Very Short7 |
576152 | 3 2 |
8 | Easy14% | Very Short10 |
576143 | 12 1 |
28 | Easy26% | Very Short1 |
576140 | 3m 529 | 3 1 |
15 | Easy13% | Very Short9 |
576119 | 1m 44s070 | 9 0 |
26 | Very Easy4% | Very Short7 |
576118 | 1 9 |
16 | Kaizoish98% | Very Short9 |
576104 | 30s504 | 6 4 |
18 | Easy11% | Very Short1 |
576097 | 1m 38s289 | 5 0 |
19 | Very Easy8% | Very Short9 |
576065 | 2m 30s897 | 2 5 |
19 | Normal58% | Very Short6 |
576060 | 0 0 |
4 | Very Easy10% | Very Short10 |
576057 | 12m 57s378 | 8 5 |
23 | Kaizoish99% | Very Short6 |
576054 | 1m 1s496 | 3 6 |
11 | Very Hard88% | Very Short4 |
576048 | 1 0 |
7 | Hard80% | Very Short2 |
576046 | 1m 28s844 | 4 0 |
11 | Normal52% | Very Short2 |
576044 | 8m 35s721 | 2 2 |
12 | Kaizoish98% | Very Short2 |
576042 | 1 2 |
11 | Unknown?% | Very Short10 |