If weapons in the condition list, show only levels that has this exact list of weapons.
Other optional conditions :
Level with a description on webmeka ( Be aware that not a lot of description are written )
Difficulty less than 10% [ < 10%]
Difficulty less than 20% [ < 20%]
Difficulty less than 30% [ < 30%]
Difficulty less than 40% [ < 40%]
Difficulty less than 50% [ < 50%]
Difficulty less than 60% [ < 60%]
Difficulty less than 70% [ < 70%]
Difficulty less than 80% [ < 80%]
Difficulty less than 90% [ < 90%]
Difficulty at least 10% [ > 10%]
Difficulty at least 20% [ > 20%]
Difficulty at least 30% [ > 30%]
Difficulty at least 40% [ > 40%]
Difficulty at least 50% [ > 50%]
Difficulty at least 60% [ > 60%]
Difficulty at least 70% [ > 70%]
Difficulty at least 80% [ > 80%]
Difficulty at least 90% [ > 90%]
Like at least at 5 [ + 5]
Like at least at 10 [ + 10]
Like at least at 15 [ + 15]
Like at least at 20 [ + 20]
Like at least at 25 [ + 25]
Like at least at 30 [ + 30]
Like at least at 35 [ + 35]
Like at least at 40 [ + 40]
Like at least at 45 [ + 45]
Like at least at 50 [ + 50]
Less than 1 weapon slot used [ <= 0 ]
Less than 2 weapon slot used [ <= 1 ]
Less than 3 weapon slot used [ <= 2 ]
Less than 4 weapon slot used [ <= 3 ]
Less than 5 weapon slot used [ <= 4 ]
Less than 6 weapon slot used [ <= 5 ]
Less than 7 weapon slot used [ <= 6 ]
Less than 8 weapon slot used [ <= 7 ]
Less than 9 weapon slot used [ <= 8 ]
Less than 10 weapon slot used [ <= 9 ]
Less than 11 weapon slot used [ <= 10 ]
Less than 12 weapon slot used [ <= 11 ]
Uploaded in the last 24hours
Uploaded last 7 days
Uploaded last 30 days
Uploaded last 90 days
Number of results max :
Be careful more results will make the loading significantly longer depending on conditions set. No more than 1000.
This feature is still in beta, if you find any issue thanks to report it.
More options will be available later like character, level options, levels stats, pagination and saving your search result as a favorite.