574312 - Carry The Torch - Created by Lotusclock
Recorded times for : 574312 - Carry The Torch
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
neoscyther | 3m 57s578 | 3m 57s578 | 1 | 1 | |
cctheowl | 9m 9s811 | 9m 9s811 | 2 | 2 |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Lotusclock
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
575780 | 24m 27s839 | 18 3 |
42 | Very Hard88% | Very Long79 |
575455 | 1m 192 | 6 2 |
16 | Very Easy3% | Short13 |
575335 | 14m 49s795 | 8 1 |
15 | Hard80% | Classic35 |
575213 | 6m 47s935 | 9 6 |
32 | Normal60% | Classic23 |
575037 | 24m 10s419 | 6 2 |
26 | Hard72% | Very Long84 |
574557 | 2m 53s090 | 14 1 |
23 | Easy26% | Short20 |
574312 | 3m 57s578 | 11 4 |
33 | Easy20% | Classic25 |
573913 | 5m 13s793 | 15 4 |
32 | Easy20% | Classic27 |
573558 | 4m 1s684 | 36 4 |
87 | Normal51% | Classic27 |
572789 | 11m 31s669 | 22 3 |
51 | Normal40% | Classic35 |