570188 - Crapola 2 - Created by Shbulbulush
Recorded times for : 570188 - Crapola 2
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Shbulbulush
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
570229 | 59s102 | 2 2 |
8 | Normal58% | Very Short1 |
570224 | 14m 22s882 | 2 1 |
10 | Kaizoish100% | Very Short1 |
570189 | 1 3 |
6 | Kaizoish100% | Very Short1 |
570188 | 0 0 |
0 | Removed | Very Short1 |
570176 | 0 0 |
0 | Removed | Very Short1 |
569676 | 0 0 |
2 | Removed | Very Short1 |
569651 | 5 5 |
28 | Easy30% | Very Short3 |
569477 | 57s184 | 8 5 |
30 | Easy37% | Very Short1 |
569459 | 3m 13s329 | 1 1 |
3 | Removed | Very Short4 |
562648 | 2 1 |
9 | Unknown?% | Very Short2 |