567266 - 180-SCREEN DUNGEON - Created by Mayastiria

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Recorded times for : 567266 - 180-SCREEN DUNGEON

Runner Runner PB Total play time Total deaths Minimum clear deaths
bielles52 31m 58s059 6

Description of that level

This is a Metroidvania-styled level where you play as Roll.

Like its name suggests, the entire playable area totals 180 screens, and the two additional screens that are reported in the level info here are inaccessible to the player and are used for other purposes. All 180 of the screens that the player can reach are contained within a 12-by-15 rectangle, so there are no bottomless pits anywhere except in one specific 'room' at the bottom of the entire map.

There are several mandatory bosses and one optional boss. The first five of the mandatory bosses will give weapons which will enable the player to go to more parts of the map, and utility weapons can be found in certain places to further expand the areas that the player can reach. All weapons and utilities (except for Tango attack and the weapon given by the optional boss) are used for progression at least once throughout the whole level.

There are several 'save' rooms containing a checkpoint flag plus health and energy spawner blocks, and most of these rooms are used to connect the different areas of the map. They have weapon blocks in them as indicators as to which areas they connect so you know where you were sent back to if you die. They are not double-checkpointed, so to re-use any checkpoint room, you will need to go to another one first.


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Last Levels uploaded by : Mayastiria

Level IdLevel NameBest Time Likes / Dislikes Plays / DL DifficultyLength
180-screen Dungeon