566357 - POWER UP As You PLay-16 Nice Trick - Created by Blue_bummer
Recorded times for : 566357 - POWER UP As You PLay-16 Nice Trick
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
gamefuchs youtube5 | 8m 189 | 1 |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Blue_bummer
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
572713 | 4m 30s464 | 15 2 |
36 | Easy22% | Classic40 |
570192 | 8 1 |
25 | Normal58% | Classic35 |
569394 | 3m 30s312 | 18 4 |
48 | Easy38% | Classic39 |
566357 | 10 3 |
38 | Normal56% | Classic32 |
566354 | 20 2 |
58 | Easy20% | Long51 |
555401 | 7m 30s457 | 12 7 |
54 | Normal47% | Classic35 |
538661 | 5 0 |
29 | Normal57% | Classic36 |
536691 | 6m 59s809 | 5 1 |
21 | Normal43% | Classic33 |
532255 | 3 0 |
26 | Normal55% | Classic37 |
531883 | 6m 51s674 | 3 3 |
28 | Very Hard86% | Classic37 |