554901 - Fury Flames - MMXII Project - Created by Doomerlordx
Recorded times for : 554901 - Fury Flames - MMXII Project
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Doomerlordx
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
567130 | 6 1 |
27 | Normal50% | Long42 |
561330 | 3m 10s275 | 36 1 |
95 | Easy16% | Classic28 |
560757 | 18 1 |
44 | Removed | Classic28 |
559835 | 2m 15s889 | 17 0 |
37 | Removed | Classic26 |
558929 | 1m 57s465 | 66 3 |
145 | Easy14% | Classic26 |
555092 | 7 0 |
20 | Removed | Classic26 |
555025 | 7 0 |
16 | Removed | Classic33 |
554948 | 5 0 |
20 | Removed | Classic33 |
554918 | 6 1 |
17 | Removed | Short11 |
554901 | 5 1 |
13 | Removed | Classic30 |