545873 - Clashman Gb Remade - Created by Vegax
Recorded times for : 545873 - Clashman Gb Remade
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Vegax
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
553893 | 6m 29s142 | 3 1 |
22 | Removed | Classic23 |
552314 | 39 1 |
94 | Easy19% | Classic31 |
550234 | 5m 1s481 | 79 1 |
190 | Easy22% | Classic31 |
546626 | 31 3 |
80 | Easy36% | Short20 |
545873 | 19 4 |
68 | Easy22% | Classic25 |
521710 | 2m 26s371 | 28 2 |
68 | Easy20% | Classic30 |
517699 | 2m 44s823 | 40 0 |
98 | Easy15% | Classic34 |
517591 | 6 3 |
20 | Removed | Classic34 |
516154 | 3m 14s388 | 25 2 |
84 | Easy28% | Classic36 |
515381 | 6 1 |
17 | Removed | Classic36 |