531421 - Rising City - Hard Mode - Created by Croby 5
Recorded times for : 531421 - Rising City - Hard Mode
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
fati98 | 7m 37s835 | 18m 19s694 | 76 | 18 | |
sakaraka | 33m 37s096 | 33m 37s096 | 50 | 50 | |
mega marino | 1m 39s280 | 8 |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Croby 5
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
574901 | 10m 25s260 | 36 4 |
72 | Hard66% | Long53 |
571700 | 29m 13s632 | 22 7 |
62 | Hard84% | Long48 |
570509 | 21 2 |
49 | Hard78% | Long49 |
569494 | 48s517 | 10 3 |
37 | Normal41% | Very Short4 |
567869 | 6m 1s537 | 12 1 |
26 | Normal61% | Long43 |
567780 | 3m 29s133 | 9 2 |
37 | Hard71% | Classic30 |
567713 | 2m 58s825 | 35 11 |
109 | Hard83% | Classic28 |
553131 | 3m 51s116 | 35 4 |
115 | Hard70% | Classic34 |
531421 | 7m 37s835 | 3 2 |
19 | Kaizoish99% | Classic24 |
531332 | 3m 22s617 | 16 2 |
44 | Kaizoish95% | Classic25 |