574716 - Thunder Tower - Created by Salatxd
Recorded times for : 574716 - Thunder Tower
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Salatxd
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
575273 | 50s250 | 8 1 |
14 | Very Easy3% | Short11 |
575131 | 9 0 |
24 | Very Easy4% | Short16 |
575125 | 1 1 |
7 | Normal53% | Classic26 |
575040 | 3 3 |
14 | Normal44% | Short17 |
574949 | 20 3 |
62 | Easy34% | Classic32 |
574800 | 8 1 |
28 | Normal57% | Classic31 |
574716 | 12 5 |
40 | Easy15% | Classic21 |
574673 | 44 1 |
116 | Easy33% | Classic27 |
574636 | 10 6 |
37 | Normal45% | Classic26 |
574603 | 4m 16s053 | 71 2 |
174 | Easy17% | Classic22 |