564538 - The Temple Of The Shifting Sands - Created by Bidoofus
Recorded times for : 564538 - The Temple Of The Shifting Sands
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
silent haxorus | 11m 39s758 | 11m 39s758 | 7 | 7 | |
ethervil | 13m 35s788 | 5 |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Bidoofus
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
575373 | 5m 35s443 | 14 2 |
43 | Easy28% | Long46 |
573787 | 14m 52s102 | 23 7 |
82 | Hard62% | Huge115 |
571234 | 5m 24s169 | 86 3 |
153 | Normal53% | Classic39 |
569244 | 4m 2s346 | 72 3 |
177 | Easy26% | Classic31 |
569189 | 3m 41s791 | 95 4 |
175 | Easy22% | Classic38 |
568695 | 3m 24s043 | 62 2 |
111 | Easy21% | Long41 |
567127 | 4m 943 | 66 0 |
149 | Easy23% | Classic34 |
564830 | 30 3 |
58 | Normal52% | Very Long77 |
564538 | 11m 39s758 | 9 5 |
46 | Very Hard87% | Long44 |
562231 | 9m 34s659 | 23 5 |
88 | Normal57% | Long42 |