556523 - MST1 - Testing The Waters - Created by Flying Kyuubi
Recorded times for : 556523 - MST1 - Testing The Waters
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
fati98 | 3m 27s787 | 5m 45s238 | 5 | 2 | |
lorenzovd | 7m 12s874 | 7m 12s874 | 10 | 10 | |
neoscyther | 7m 45s462 | 7m 45s462 | 10 | 10 | |
mega marino | 18m 17s509 | 18m 20s991 | 20 | 20 | |
flying kyuubi | 7s596 | 0 |
Posted by : megastudy -
I usually don't like Kaizo or 1-HP challenges, but this one was fun. Both the difficulty and length are reasonable, and the third section changes up the formula. The boss strategy is unique too. Nice job!
I usually don't like Kaizo or 1-HP challenges, but this one was fun. Both the difficulty and length are reasonable, and the third section changes up the formula. The boss strategy is unique too. Nice job!
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Last Levels uploaded by : Flying Kyuubi
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
576019 | 51s333 | 3 2 |
12 | Very Hard87% | Short17 |
575425 | 2m 46s852 | 8 6 |
18 | Very Hard93% | Short18 |
573462 | 1m 54s529 | 79 1 |
156 | Very Easy1% | Classic23 |
573454 | 1m 8s227 | 13 3 |
21 | Normal39% | Classic21 |
570746 | 2m 35s100 | 24 3 |
58 | Easy31% | Short13 |
567832 | 1m 23s709 | 11 1 |
22 | Very Hard89% | Classic27 |
566914 | 2m 59s162 | 20 3 |
44 | Normal47% | Very Long90 |
566583 | 4m 4s530 | 13 2 |
32 | Easy30% | Very Long78 |
565835 | 3m 44s189 | 13 7 |
46 | Hard72% | Classic38 |
565834 | 3m 22s642 | 10 5 |
28 | Hard66% | Classic31 |