502978 - MegaMan 3 Tribute - Created by Mopbrothers
Recorded times for : 502978 - MegaMan 3 Tribute
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths |
Posted by : iwillwin -
Imagine choosing the most boring stage from mega man 3 to make a tribute to! Not gemini man, not spark man, not even top man, but HARD MAN! YOU ARE A BORING PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus the stage feels nothing like mega man 3! Never felt challenged because of all the big energies scattered around. How about palcing enemy challegnes right before a cvheckpoint, so you can just damage boost anyway. YOU SUCK AT NMAKING KLEVEL! How about the pointless 2nd cat mini boss? Let's not foregett the flat arena in hard man. Oh youi added a wanna waanna taht can easily be made irrevelcant with ahrdm man AI knowledge.!
Quit level design!
Imagine choosing the most boring stage from mega man 3 to make a tribute to! Not gemini man, not spark man, not even top man, but HARD MAN! YOU ARE A BORING PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus the stage feels nothing like mega man 3! Never felt challenged because of all the big energies scattered around. How about palcing enemy challegnes right before a cvheckpoint, so you can just damage boost anyway. YOU SUCK AT NMAKING KLEVEL! How about the pointless 2nd cat mini boss? Let's not foregett the flat arena in hard man. Oh youi added a wanna waanna taht can easily be made irrevelcant with ahrdm man AI knowledge.!
Quit level design!
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Last Levels uploaded by : Mopbrothers
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
575124 | 1m 49s068 | 53 2 |
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181 | Very Easy0% | Short14 |
574825 | 2m 33s161 | 6 3 |
19 | Easy15% | Long51 |
574781 | 1m 12s865 | 34 2 |
86 | Very Easy4% | Classic35 |
574443 | 2m 28s190 | 16 4 |
43 | Easy28% | Classic40 |
574334 | 2m 58s349 | 67 5 |
134 | Easy17% | Classic33 |
574129 | 3m 4s768 | 75 6 |
164 | Easy19% | Classic34 |
573960 | 2m 34s623 | 62 8 |
143 | Very Easy8% | Classic29 |
573908 | 2m 45s002 | 19 5 |
45 | Very Easy9% | Long58 |
573886 | 3m 12s863 | 44 11 |
111 | Easy11% | Classic27 |