210298 - A Yagami Easter - Created by Hunterx57 2
Recorded times for : 210298 - A Yagami Easter
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths |
Description of that level
This level was made for version 1.4, and requires the old E-tank glitch to complete, by picking up E-tanks, and selecting Retry instead of Cpoint in older versions, allowing E-tanks to carry over and respawn. The player then accrues 5 E-tanks and takes the M tank, and damage boosts the lasers until the orb using all tanks.
This stage is no longer clearable with modern versions of the program.
This stage is no longer clearable with modern versions of the program.
You need to be connected to comment levels.
Last Levels uploaded by : Hunterx57 2
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
559596 | 2m 44s930 | 15 2 |
37 | Easy28% | Classic21 |
558825 | 2m 30s358 | 23 2 |
47 | Easy28% | Classic23 |
558581 | 7m 34s964 | 6 3 |
27 | Hard74% | Long59 |
557785 | 9 3 |
37 | Hard72% | Classic27 |
555722 | 2m 50s171 | 11 3 |
33 | Hard75% | Very Short10 |
554873 | 17s630 | 6 5 |
21 | Easy19% | Long52 |
554137 | 4m 12s156 | 5 6 |
42 | Very Hard94% | Long49 |
554088 | 4m 21s752 | 9 2 |
26 | Easy33% | Classic25 |
553856 | 3m 41s977 | 17 4 |
41 | Kaizoish98% | Long49 |
553853 | 47m 20s067 | 3 1 |
8 | Removed | Long49 |