175805 - Dark Souls - Hopeless Beginnings - Created by Hunterx57 2
Recorded times for : 175805 - Dark Souls - Hopeless Beginnings
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
flying kyuubi | 1h 9m 39s191 | 1h 9m 39s191 | 48 | 48 |
Description of that level
This was the original final version of my Dark Souls themed Metroidvania stage, before version 1.5 which allowed multiple bosses, and changed several mechanics in the game.
For the newest version of this stage see: Dark Souls - Remastered 2022
For the newest version of this stage see: Dark Souls - Remastered 2022
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Last Levels uploaded by : Hunterx57 2
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
559596 | 2m 44s930 | 15 2 |
37 | Easy28% | Classic21 |
558825 | 2m 30s358 | 23 2 |
47 | Easy28% | Classic23 |
558581 | 7m 34s964 | 6 3 |
27 | Hard74% | Long59 |
557785 | 9 3 |
37 | Hard72% | Classic27 |
555722 | 2m 50s171 | 11 3 |
33 | Hard75% | Very Short10 |
554873 | 17s630 | 6 5 |
21 | Easy19% | Long52 |
554137 | 4m 12s156 | 5 6 |
42 | Very Hard94% | Long49 |
554088 | 4m 21s752 | 9 2 |
26 | Easy33% | Classic25 |
553856 | 3m 41s977 | 17 4 |
41 | Kaizoish98% | Long49 |
553853 | 47m 20s067 | 3 1 |
8 | Removed | Long49 |